by | Nov 30, 2021 | News

Tiffany making deliveries for the NPP

When did you work at Finca? And what was/were your position(s)?

“I worked at Finca from Feb 2017- Feb 2020. Started out as an apprentice (I had so much time to watch the Great British Baking Show) and then Production Manager only a couple months later, and for the rest of my time there.”

What are you doing now?

“I am now a Vegetable Production Manager at Root 5 Farm in Fairlee, VT.”

A special memory/favorite event you have from the farm?

“We hosted so many good events! I look back on them very fondly, especially since at my current farm, there isn’t as much customer/community interaction. Now more than ever I realize how special that was about Finca. I loved our CSA member/crew potlucks when Tommy would bring his homemade bread or chutney. It was always one of those things. I remember Jess cooking nopales for the first time on the grill and how it was somehow the best preparation of nopales I had ever experienced.”

What is something you learned while farming at Finca that you have taken with you even after you left?

“That’s a hard one, since pretty much everything I learned there I’ve taken with me because I’m still farming. The only thing I haven’t taken with me is any moringa- and okra-related knowledge, since it’s too cold for those things here!”

What are you most proud of about your time at Finca?

“I’m proud that I learned so much at Finca to make a career out of farming. That’s mostly because Tommy was willing to teach me, even though I had no background or experience in farming. Since leaving Finca, I realized how rare and special it is to find someone who wants to pass on their knowledge about growing food. Thanks Tommy!”