Finca Tres Robles
An Urban Farm Rooted in el Segundo Barrio
Our Story
Our Harvest
job Training
From Abandoned…
Finca Tres Robles began in 2014 on a longtime vacant property and slowly transformed into a fully functioning farm operation.

To Abundant…
The farm goes beyond our food to provide opportunities in education, employment, and more.
here for good
We have secured a new home for 40-years enabling us to build a new farm that can provide even more to our community.

Support our Capital Campaign
Small Places is raising $2.7 million over the next 24 months from philanthropy to fully develop the new Finca Tres Robles farm with improved farm land and additional mission critical infrastructure, to expand programming, and to improve the health outcomes of even more residents in the East End.
Distribution with a Purpose
Finca Tres Robles believes that the food we produce at our farm should stay in our neighborhood. We are developing new, innovative, and practical ways to get our produce to those in our community who need it and to build a foundation of supporters and partners that can help us make that happen.
It’s important to us that our produce be accessible to all people and there are a number of ways to access our produce to fit your needs.
A Place to Learn & Grow
It is very important to us that the farm be a space for people in the Houston area, especially young people, to experience agriculture firsthand. We host groups from all over Houston and people of all ages to learn more about where their food comes from and how they can find their own way to participate in farming and agriculture.
Community Cookbook Recipes
Over the past several years, we have worked with our community to compile a number recipes to help Houstonians navigate the seasonal fruits and veggies that come from the field. These recipes are a great reflection of the diverse flavors and creations our community brings to the taste of Houston.

Explore farming as A career
Finca Tres Robles provides a unique opportunity, particularly for young people, to discover whether a career in farming and agriculture is for them.
We offer a paid Apprenticeship Program for new, aspiring farming to gain real, hands-on experience in a professional farming operation.
Upcoming Events + Classes at Finca Tres Robles
Grand Opening
6000 Canal St. Houston, TX 77011