by | Apr 1, 2021 | News


Meet Travis our Amazing Production Manager!

What is your name and position?

“My name is Travis Weddle and I am the Production Manager here at Finca Tres Robles.”

What made you want to join the Finca Tres Robles team? 

“I was captivated by the mission of the farm; keeping the produce close to the farm, building community, and restoring the land. I was hooked after my first visit, amazed that an oasis existed in between a bunch of factories. Witnessing a daily show of abundance on this little plot of land brings me so much joy!”

Any prior farming experience?

“This is my first proper farming gig!”

What motivates you to farm? 

“Every day on the farm I have a sort of surreal peacefulness when I realize that it is my job to care for the Earth, observe the land and critters and weather, and be outside. The fulfilling purpose of this work and the beautiful produce that I get to prepare at home keep me motivated!”

What would you say is the most challenging aspect of your work? 

“Farming can take a toll on your physical body, for sure. There are also quite a few unknowns and wild cards whenever you are working with Nature. Lastly, I would say that the urban farming scene has not quite yet taken off in Houston…”

What does community mean to you?

“Everyone has a role and gifts to offer, and all of us need help at some point. To me, community is the ecosystem of our various offerings, carings, and needs. When it all comes together, we are safe and celebrated and no one is left behind.”

What do you like to do when you’re not farming?

“When I am not relaxing and cooking at home with my fiancé, Nikalina, and my cat, Gili, I love to surf, backpack, scuba dive and play basketball.”

What are your favorite things that you’ve grown here so far? 

“It is a tie between Rainbow Chard, Suyo Cucumbers and Misome.”
