Notes from the Field: Winter CSA 2020 – Week 12

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Notes from the Field

Week 12.jpg


Hello, Finca Family!

The first time I left the country as a junior in HS, I went on a cliche service trip to rural Dominican Republic to build latrines. I was the lucky one to be staying with a family with the newest house in the community which meant three separate small cinder block structures with the ground for floors. One room for the parents, one for the kids and one for the kitchen.  I soon found out that they had built a new home because their previous one had recently burned down. Having very little money, the whole village had chipped in to rebuild their simple compound. 

I always remember that as one of my first experiences that changed my perspective about what sort of values I would like to see prioritized in the community and culture that I would live in and be a part of.

Houston was never the place I would have guessed that I would find that sort of community and culture and in some ways there are many other barriers to break down. But I do feel incredibly grateful to have found through those who have chosen to support and be a part of our farm a strong taste and flavor of that feeling in the DR. 

Dan and I started this farm with the belief that the small work each of us do each day is important and it’s a belief that has only grown stronger and more real in the years since. 

Whether you thought this season was a great experience or not your cup of tea, your commitment to our farm for the last three months is small piece that makes our work possible and our place in our community real. 

Thanks for committing to our CSA (again) this season. 

You’ll notice the share this week might look a little different. Due to Covid19 we’ve been taking other steps to use our farm as a way to support not just our East End community but our farm community as well. We’re expanding our farm to offer more products and we’re working to increase our capacity to donate more produce. If you have a moment check out our website for meat, eggs, and possibly other products to purchase for yourself or your neighbors. 

Thanks to those that have already stepped up and committed to sponsoring shares, meat, and eggs to others in our neighborhood. Its leaving that strong wonderful flavor in my mouth.

Please stay safe




  • Bunching Onions: These onions’ fresh flavor is hard to beat.

  • Carrots: Fresh and flavorful orange carrots.

  • Cilantro: This variety is incredibly fragrant and has larger leaves.

  • Beets: Large deep red beetroots; perfect for slicing and pickling or roasting!

  • Dino Kale: Dino kale just has that deep-green flavor. It shines in    salad or soup.

  • Chard: Unbelievably vibrant chard – cook up the stems first, then the leaves.

  • Lettuce: This romaine is quite delicate and crisp.

  • Sweet Potatoes: These sweet potatoes are white. They are dense, starchy, and full of flavor.

  • Collards: A round, sturdy leaf that holds up well in cooked and raw applications. Use them for wraps!

  • Dill: Dill makes a merry tzatziki. Alternatively, chop it fine and put it in a salad with other herbs.