Our friendly neighborhood garden spider living among our Long Beans!
Yard Long Beans are here, y’all! And they’ll be here all summer!
It’s ever so satisfying to have a vegetable that truly lives up to it’s enticing name. Yard Long Beans can really grow to be a full yard long, although they are more tender, crisp, and delicious when they are a bit shorter.
For those of y’all who haven’t had the pleasure of trying a Long Bean and are curious about how to eat them, use them like you would your standard green bean—in stir-fries, sautéed, grilled, blanched, you name it! Despite their similarities, Long Beans are meatier, more tender, and just a LOT more fun!
Check out how your fellow Finca family members like to enjoy their Long Beans!
Martha, a new member of the farm family, had some creative fun with the Long Beans this week:
“You could call this a “Romesco-ish” sauce. Many of the ingredients are present, but I would never claim to be an expert on what makes a true Spanish Romesco a Romesco. What I do know: roasted red peppers, tomatoes and garlic, no matter their combination, will always taste amazing. Combine with vinegar, parsley, paprika and almonds for thickening and you get a sauce that elevates charred long beans to a delicious summer side dish. I served it alongside a grilled branzino, stuffed with thyme and lemon slices. They played very nicely together!”
-Martha Daniel
Martha’s Charred Long Beans with Romesco(ish) Sauce
For the sauce: (Yields ~1 cup)
1 roasted red pepper (from a jar is just fine!)
¾ cup cherry tomatoes
1 palmful of toasted almonds, ground in a food processor until fine, or 2 tbsp of almond meal
1 fistful of parsley, stems and leaves
2 cloves garlic
¼ tsp hot paprika
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp sherry vinegar
¼ cup olive oil
In a food processor, blend together: roasted red pepper, cherry tomatoes, parsley, garlic, paprika, salt, and vinegar. Add almonds and blitz once or twice to combine.
Stream in olive oil with motor running. Taste and adjust for salt and vinegar.
For the beans:
¾ cup cherry tomatoes
Olive oil
Heat a grill to medium high. Toss beans with a generous glug or two of olive oil, salt and fresh cracked black pepper.
Place tomatoes on a square of heavy duty aluminum foil. Fold up the sides to create a pocket. Before sealing, add a glug of olive oil and a generous pinch of salt. Shake to coat tomatoes, then finish folding the packet to close.
Place tomato packet on hot grill away from direct heat, and arrange beans over hot coals. Turn the beans every minute to let most of the beans get charred. Remove after 3 minutes, or when a tester bean is tender and charred. Shake the tomato packet occasionally to encourage tomatoes to burst, about 7-10 minutes.
Arrange the beans on a serving platter and drizzle with red pepper sauce. Top with burst tomatoes and serve warm. Enjoy!
Spicy Tomato Sauce with Long Beans and Italian Sausage
Although I prefer making my own tomato sauce (especially during tomato season!), this was an exceptionally busy week for me, so I bought some fresh sauce from the grocery store and it got the job done just as well! With the ground Italian Sausage that we have from White Hurst Farms, our Long Beans, and some caramelized onions, this summer pasta dish was exactly what I needed at the end of a long week!
1 jar tomato sauce of choice
1 white onion, halved and sliced
10 lb White Hurst ground Italian Sausage
1 bunch Finca Long Beans
2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbsp Salted Butter
Red pepper flakes
Optional: parmesan cheese for garnish
In a large saucepan, over med-high heat, add your EVOO and butter and allow butter to melt. Add onion and stir occasionally for 15-20min to allow caramelization.
While onion is caramelizing, use another sauce pan to bring water to a boil. While water is heating, prepare a large bowl of ice water. We will use the ice water to blanch the Long Beans after they boil. Once water comes to a boil, put in the Long Beans until they are bright green or purple and tender (or for up to 2 minutes). Remove the Long Beans from heat and put immediately into ice water to blanch.
Once the onion is caramelized, add the Italian sausage, stirring and separating meat until mostly brown. Add tomato sauce and stir occasionally until slightly bubbling. Remove the yard long beans from the ice water and cut to your desired length (I cut mine into ~2 inch pieces). Add beans and your desired about of red pepper flakes (I was heavy-handed!) to the tomato sauce, stir until incorporated.
Prepare your pasta of choice then top with your spicy tomato sauce. Add parmesan cheese, if you’d like and enjoy!
Ceci made a super easy, light, but hearty lunch with the potatoes we have from Gundermann Farms and our Long beans! Enjoy!
Ceci’s Long Beans and Potatoes
Finca Yard Long Beans
Gunderman Farms (Common Market) Red Potatoes
Finca Basil
Black Peppercorns
Option: pickled vegetables for garnish
Wash your potatoes and then put into a pot to boil until soft. Add your Long Beans to the pot with the potatoes and boil until tender. Remove beans and potatoes from pot and put in a bowl. Add some fresh, chopped, basil, salt, paper, and pickled veggies (Ceci used beets)! Serve hot or cold!