COVID-19 Food Safety & Farm Update

by | Mar 18, 2020 | News

Dear friends and neighbors,

On behalf of the farm team at Finca Tres Robles, we are still producing and working at full steam!

Our greatest concern is for our staff, our customers and our community and we have been taking the necessary precautions to make sure we can continue to provide our fresh produce to the individuals and families of the East End and broader Houston community.

We have taken extra precautions beyond our normal food safety and health standards to make sure our staff interactions, production, harvest and distribution are in line with CDC and WHO standards for safety and social distancing.

We will continue operating our farm stand during our normal Wed and Sat hours as well as our CSA though we have made modifications to how these will be distributed at their pick-up locations in ways to be in line with CDC recommendations for social distancing. 

We see ourselves as more than just producers of food but as fellow members of our East End community and have been reaching out to neighbors and discussing ways to serve those who don’t have the immediate means to afford our produce. Please consider a contribution to support our farm to help us function at full capacity as we work to support all members of our community including the most vulnerable. 

We will be passing along more information in the days to come on the further actions we will be taking to continue to have fresh produce accessible through our farm.

Please be safe, patient, and compassionate towards yourself and those in your life.  

