Season’s Eatings: Summer Edition

by | Jul 30, 2018 | News

While Summer in Houston can be challenging even for those of us that have been here for years, there are some things that don’t mind the heat. Part of our philosophy as sustainable farmers is to find varieties that are adapted to and happy in our climate. This means reaching outside the standard pallet of fruits and veggies but results in the discovery of new and interesting flavors. Stop by and get a taste of a Houston Summer!

Okra, Eggplant (Snowy, Ping Tung), Yardlong Beans, Burr Gherkins, Tatume Squash, Moringa, Basil (Lemon, Thai, Italian), Amara Mustards, Arugula, Amaranth, Sweet Potato Greens, Cucumbers, & Hot Peppers

