Winter Transition 2021

by | Jan 11, 2021 | News

Winter Transition 2021.png

This Winter season will be bringing some slight changes to our normal farm routine. With the challenges of Covid lingering on and with one eye on the Fall of 2021, we have decided to slightly pull back on our operations for the season ahead. 


We will be stopping our weekly Wednesday Farm Stand (2pm-7pm). 

However, this shouldn’t change much for you, our customer, for the season ahead.

If you join our Wednesday CSA for the winter, you will be picking up your share each week at Kickin’ Kombucha (instead of the farm) just a few minutes from the farm in the East End. We will still be continuing our normal Wednesday delivery locations at Green Seed Vegan (3rd Ward) and Black Hole Coffee (Montrose) as well. 

Our weekly donations to area families and seniors through the Neighborhood Produce Program will continue as it has as well.

Thank you to all our Wednesday farm stand regulars who have continued to support us week in and week out over the last few years. We look forward to seeing you on Saturdays from 9am-1pm.

2021 offers to be a new and exciting year for us on the farm. 

We are looking onto some bright and exciting news and look forward to sharing more in the months ahead!

Many thanks for your support!
