Where Conversations, Connections and Friendships are Cultivated

by | Dec 12, 2019 | Blog


One of my favorite moments at an event is when I can take a few minutes to walk away, and look at it from afar. While I love interacting with guests, making sure details are set, and managing all the funny instances that occur–no matter how prepared we think we are, there’s peace within walking away for a few minutes and seeing a group of people having fun. Even from the middle of the fields, they feel bonded in and to the moment. It’s impossible to determine how many conversations, connections and friendships are cultivated, but it’s happening. Getting an overview of it all at a distance is my way of taking everything in, having a breath and jumping back into the fun.

When I started, there wasn’t really a way to determine how many or few events we would have. In 2018 we held 5 events, this year we averaged that a month–give or take, depending on the weather. I usually tell people I moved to Houston for the weather, and have been happier and healthier in it most days than I have been in years. Being connected to the elements enhances celebration–even if it’s raining! It’s that recognition of being in the world, alive and part of a moment.

While you’re in the whirlwind of holiday celebrations, savor it. Whether it’s a small get together with friends, a potluck with coworkers, a fancy New Years Eve celebration, or a family reunion. It’s worth a second to consider everything that was done to bring the group together, follow traditions, and hopefully, feel some joy and peace.


For me, it’s the attention to details that makes an event special. Planning that there’s a couple of extra chairs, just in case. Making sure there’s more than enough food (mostly for staff lunch during the week but just in case too). Then balancing it all so we have hardly any trash. It’s an art in producing just enough. Enough to have a bin of compost to go back into the soil to continue to nourish the food growing in the fields. Enough for your holiday table, and for future events.