As much as we have pride for everything we grow, there is something especially remarkable about locally grown herbs. They are so pungent and flavorful and truly taste the way they are supposed to. Which is why we have such relentless pride for our basils!
It is officially pesto season and the farm is teeming with our Genovese! Those of you who have already purchased some at the Farm Stand have probably experienced it’s unintentional use as a natural car freshener :). We love how strong and sweet the smell of this basil is and can’t help but use it in anything we can.
We love chopping up and adding to greens in all of our salads or blending into salad dressings, sauces, garnishing pasta dishes, meat dishes, rice dishes. And pesto, of course! Lots and lots of pesto! Anything that can benefit from the sweet, anise-y spice, we are adding our basil.
As soon as you get home with your basil, you will want to cut the ends of the stems and place into a jar or vessel containing enough water to submerge the freshly cut ends (much like you would in a vase of flowers). DO NOT PLACE IN THE REFRIGERATOR. Basil does best in room temperature environments.
Check out some of the ways the Finca Family uses basil!
Pesto Caprese
This Pesto Caprese is so easy and so perfect for the summer. I usually prepare it on a giant bed of greens as a salad and for you non-vegetarians out there, I imagine that it would accompany a simple grilled chicken breast beautifully!
Simple Pesto
1 bunch Finca Genovese Basil
1/4 cup Finca mint
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
1/4 cup pinenuts
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
juice of 1/2 lemon
salt and pepper to taste
Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth, enjoy!
Pesto Caprese
2 large tomatoes
a few leaves Finca Genovese Basil
1 cup Simple Pesto
extra virgin olive oil to taste
balsamic vinegar to taste
salt and pepper to taste (flaked salt is best!)
The beauty of these ingredients is that any way you combine them, it will be delicious!
A simple way to prepare a caprese is to slice your tomatoes and your ball of mozzarella in with similar thickness.
Place a mozzarella slice on every tomato slice
Drizzle olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and pesto over tomato and mozzarella. Sprinkle basil over everything and add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!
Malone’s Melon Basil Salad
Malone’s Melon Basil Salad
1 Melon (any kind, but cantaloup was used above)
1 bunch Finca Italian basil
Optional: any other green (spinach, misome, sweet potato greens, arugula, etc) thinly sliced
Fennel seeds, sea salt, and black pepper to taste
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
Cube your melon to your desired size and slice your basil and any other greens
Mix dressing ingredients until incorporated
Pour dressing over melon, basil and greens
Mix and enjoy!