Setting the Table with Los Niños

by | Apr 16, 2018 | News


With the help of a grant, the Los Niños Early Childhood Montessori Program has been purchasing produce from Finca to ensure their students have quality fresh fruits and vegetables in their school meals. As part of this health initiative by the school, the students and parents recently had a chance to come visit us on the farm for a morning for a Setting the Table field trip.

This field trip provides a unique chance to get closely acquainted with food from different perspectives; students join the farmers to harvest fresh ingredients from our fields which they clean, chop, and prepare into lunch for everyone to share together. The field trip also goes beyond cooking and emphasizes other important aspects of health such as building social connections and spending time outside being active.

A special thank you Courtney RobinsErin Thole, and the team of volunteers that helped to make this unique learning experience a reality for these kids and families in the East End.
