Green Zebras Dance Performance & Potluck

by | Sep 18, 2018 | News


Earlier this month, the Pilot Dance Project, under the artistic direction of Adam Castaneda, opened its 2018-2019 season with a site-specific work by Houston-based choreographer Lori Yuill called Green Zebras. This agriculturally inspired dance performance consisted of several parts and ranged all over the farm, concluding with a community potluck under the oaks where attendees could even order special dances off a “menu”.

Green Zebras was made possible through an award from Arts Respond – Natural Resources and Agriculture grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and with support of the Houston Arts Alliance.

The performances were wonderful and we are grateful to the Houston Arts AllianceTexas Commission for the Arts, Adam, Lori, and everyone involved for putting together this unique event. Supporting local artists is important to us and we hope to host more artistic and cultural events like these on the farm.
