Season’s Eatings: Easy Pickled Beets

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Season's Eatings


This beet recipe is an oldie but a goodie. My grandmother loved beets and as a kid, I always wanted to like them, just never did. Now as an adult, I enjoy them and am the happy recipient of their antioxidant power. Their superpower is not only ability to protect against oxidative stress (stress… pandemic???) but they are also a good form of Vitamin C. Immune strength depends on good stores of Vitamin C.

So, fix up a jar of pickled beets and enjoy as a condiment at your meals, or top a side salad. The recipe calls for 2 lbs beets. My share had 1lb so I just halved the recipe.

Easy Pickled Beets


·       2 lbs beets, trimmed and washed

·       2 Tbsp oil

·       Salt and pepper to taste

Pickling liquid:

·       1/2 cup vinegar

·       1/2 cup water

·       2-4 Tbsp sugar

·       1/4 tsp Salt

·       1/4 tsp pepper 



1. Cover baking sheet with foil and set beets in a single layer. 

2. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. 

3. Wrap foil tightly around beets.

4. Bake in a 375ºF oven for about 60 minutes until tender. 

5. Remove from oven, open foil carefully and set aside to cool.

6. Once beets have cooled to touch, peel and cut into bite size pieces and place in clean quart size Mason jar.

7. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, whisk together liquid ingredients until combined: water, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper.

8. Pour mixture into Mason jar over beets; cover and refrigerate for several hours or overnight for flavors to absorb. Enjoy within 3 weeks.

May be used over green salads or as a side condiment.

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Shana Tatum RD, LD
Dietitian Nutritionist