A Future for Finca…?

by | Jan 7, 2019 | News


A little over five (5) years ago we first set eyes on a vacant, overgrown, and unused property with large oak trees standing guard at the entrance that would become Finca Tres Robles. Two (2) years ago however while working to secure the site permanently, Harris County decided to purchased the land on which we farm, endangering the future of Finca. With support from vocal advocates, the County honored our previous lease agreement but that lease runs out at the end of 2019 and there is currently no agreement in place to extend our stay.

We will be speaking at Commissioner Court on January 8th to help make our case to County leadership for extending our lease at Finca. There is new leadership in Harris County with our own Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia and County Judge Lena Hidalgo taking office this month and we are hopeful with their leadership we will find a solution that will allow us to not only continue our work here at Finca, but also provide more opportunities for agriculture in our communities.

We will continue to keep our followers up-to-date about our Land Situation as the process moves forward. We are extremely grateful to have such an amazing community of supporters that from the beginning have made this farm possible and it will take us all to ensure that Finca Tres Robles continues to serve our neighborhood and city.
