Welcome Winter CSA

by | Dec 17, 2019 | News


As many of you know, we grow year-round on our farm. Our proximity to the coast means that luckily, we hardly ever see temperatures below the upper 20s. We plant through the mostly mild winter and protect our crops from freezes when necessary. Relying on good frost cloth protection and luck seems to get us through the winter. While everything does slow down significantly once temperatures are below 60 everyday, so that a row of beets spends 120 days in the field instead of 80, that’s a minor inconvenience. People who are new to growing in Houston might think it’s too risky to go on farming through the winter, but we would risk a lot more if we stopped planting and seeding!

All that is to say that we have much more in store in this coming Winter CSA season, starting with the new year. In the next few months, we’ll be harvesting more lettuce, citrus, escarole, beets, green onions, leeks, baby bok choy, radishes and turnips, fennel, parsley, spinach, carrots, purple kohlrabi, red russian kale, cilantro, and more of our delicious Asian greens like misome and mizuna. We can’t wait to share them with you! I’ve been really impressed by some of the varieties’ performance this season, like the hakurei turnips and the dwarf bok choi, and I’m looking forward to more of them next year. 

I’m so optimistic about next CSA season because the farm is looking fantastic right now. It seems like we’re experiencing an actual fall season, and all the crops are loving it – they’re growing quickly, fully, and beautifully, surpassing my expectations. I know temperatures will drop eventually, and that growth will slow, but the cold will just add a touch of sweetness to all our greens. 

You won’t want to miss this Winter 2020 CSA! Sign up now for a season of incredible, tasty produce of unmatched quality in the new year.